
FitTick – Program

Drug & Alcohol Testing

Everyone has the right to be protected at work. As a PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking) you have a duty of care for the health and wellbeing of anyone at your workplace.
The use of drugs and alcohol may have an impact on workers capability to perform work safely, efficiently and with respect. Therefore, a Drug & Alcohol Management Plan, including a detailed Drug & Alcohol Policy and a schedule for frequent Drug & Alcohol testing should be in place.

HSE Australia’s FitTick team helps businesses with all aspects of workplace drug and alcohol management, including developing and implementing a drug and alcohol management program for your workplace, conducting mobile or on-site workplace drug & alcohol testing, and providing education and awareness training for your employees.

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Drug Alcohol testing

Drug and Alcohol Testing Service

FitTick provides mobile onsite and in-house Drug & Alcohol Testing Services using either our purpose-built mobile testing van or dedicated testing facilities in our local offices.

National Drug reports show that over 74% of illegal drug users are employed. These employees who use drugs attributable to about 6% of all industrial fatalities and 15% of all workplace injuries. This, among other factors, highlights the importance of drug and alcohol testing–particularly in the workplace.

Workers that are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, illicit or prescribed, can represent a severe risk in workplace health and safety. The detrimental effects for the company or organisation are manifold; ranging from disrespectful behaviour or poor performance to deliberate sabotage to serious injuries and casualties.
Furthermore, the cost of loss of productivity, increased employee absenteeism, increased healthcare costs, and direct medical costs represent a financial risk to the organisation.

A drug and alcohol policy is crucial for maintaining a healthy and safe working environment for everybody in the workplace. This policy should include a comprehensive procedure wherein drug and alcohol testing should be a major part to assure the health status of their workers at any given time and identifying them to be safe for work.

Local & Remote Drug & Alcohol Testing

Please contact us if you have any concerns about Drugs or Alcohol at your workplace, out experienced team is happy to provide more details and a FREE quote.

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Why FitTick?

  • Mobile onsite & in-house testing
  • Purpose-built testing van for on-site testing (incl. toilet)
  • Experienced testing in remote areas
  • Experienced conducting larger number of test (e.g. mining)
  • Experience in Alcohol Policy Review and Decelopment 
  • Low impact of testing on your workflows
  • Training & Education Programs

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HSE Australia B2B and B2G Consultant

Frequently asked Questions

Some of the most frequently asked questions about drug & alcohol testing.

When should D&A testing be conducted?

  • Pre-employment – Testing aspiring job applicants before hiring them.
  • Target testing – Testing all employees in a single or high risk work event
  • Random testing – Randomly selecting a group of employees
  • Post-incident – Conducting a test after a workplace accident or potential work accident
  • For cause’ testing – When the employer has justified belief about an employee’s behaviour, they can conduct a drug and alcohol test.
  • Return to work – If an employee has previously returned a positive test, they must undergo a drug and alcohol test that should come out negative before they can return to work.

What types of Drug & Alcohol tests are available?

The typical drug tests currently used in Australia use urine and saliva samples for drug screening and breath testing for Alcohol screening. Current Australian standards have been created specifically for these tests. These standards outline the procedures for sample collection. 

Where can tests be conducted?

Workplace testing can be conducted in the workplace including offices, warehouses, construction sites, mine sites, and can be conducted 24/7. Using a mobile testing facility (testing van), testing can be conducted at any accessible (remote) location.

Is Training part of a Drug & Alcohol Management Plan

An effective education program will include information regarding health and safety implications of drugs and alcohol abuse, information illustrating the prevalence of drugs and alcohol in the workplace and provide details of your drugs and alcohol policy. We believe that, besides Drug & Alcohol testing, training is the most effective way to mitigate risks.

Who gets the test results of a drug or alcohol test?

The worker receives a certificate that a Drug & Alcohol test was conducted, however, the employer receives the test results. 

One Source Many Solutions

Over the past 15 years we developed the ability to quickly understand and respond to our clients’ needs. We are “solving problems others find difficult…”.
We offer our clients an enviable team of specialists working with associates and other external experts, driving and delivering fit for purpose, tailored single sourced solutions for you.

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