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Contractor Safety Audits

HSE Australia understands employers’ responsibility to ensure contractors and sub-contractors operate in a safe and compliant work environment. We provide independent contractor safety audit services for large industrial organisations, the mining and resources sector, local government and civil contractors.

The term ‘duty of care’ is legislated in the Work Health and Safety Act (2011) and covers the responsibility of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to provide a safe working environment for staff, visitors, and contractors.

Contact us to arrange an independent contractor safety audit in your workplace.

Our services include:

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OHS WHS Contractor Safety Audit HSE Australia

Contractor Safety Audits

A Contractor Safety Audit conducted by HSE Australia is the opportunity to provide independent audit services on contractors and subcontractors to ensure they have safe systems of work and uphold their duty of care while working for you.

An audit conducted by HSE Australia can also hold up to compliance management scrutiny when the need arises.

The audits are developed to meet the individual client-specific application and can include:

  • commitment, policies and objectives
  • responsibility and accountability
  • compliance to PPE
  • manual handling procedures
  • hazardous materials management
  • equipment safeguarding
  • safety signage/traffic management
  • lockout/tag-out policies and procedures
  • working at heights
  • wastewater and waste product planning

Every audit is prepared to suit the individual needs of each client’s requirements.

We are experienced in conducting independent audits that use an organisation’s existing audit checklists and audit tools. Our success stems from our focus on and support of our clients’ individual Occupational Health and Safety programs. 

Safety - OH&S - Audit of Contractor

HSE Australia offers a wide range of Occupational Health & Safety (WHS) Services. We also specialise in  OH&S audits of contractors for various industries.   Get in touch for an individual quote.

Solving problems others find difficult...for clients in

HSE Australia B2B and B2G Consultant

Frequently asked Questions

Health Safety Environment Australia 

What is a PCBU?

A PCBU is a “Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking” in a commercial or non-commercial area (NFP), on it’s own (sole trader), in partnership or for a Government organisation. PCBU's are required to ensure a safe working environment operates within the workplace(s) for which they have responsibility.

What is workplace safety?

When safety can be defined as ‘freedom from circumstances that cause, or are likely to cause, illness, injury or damage’ then workplace safety are the actions taken reduce occupational risk and to keep the workforce and workplace free of incidents that can cause harm to workers, volunteers, contractors or sub-contractors, customers, visitors, or suppliers.

What Is a Code of Practice (OHS/WHS)?

A 'Code of Practice' is a practical guide to achieving the standards of safety required in specific workplace situations or environments or subjects. They are presented under the WHS Act and Regulations (the WHS Regulations).

Are safety hazards required to be identified under the WHS regulations?

Yes. A person conduction a business or undertaking (PCBU) must identify reasonably foreseeable hazards in the physical workplace environment; the equipment and materials used that could give rise to risks to health and safety (Regulation 34).

One Source Many Solutions

Over the past 15 years we developed the ability to quickly understand and respond to our clients’ needs. We are “solving problems others find difficult…”.
We offer our clients an enviable team of specialists working with associates and other external experts, driving and delivering fit for purpose, tailored single sourced solutions for you.

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