
FitTick – Programm

Spirometry Testing

On-site / Mobile

Spirometry testing is recommended and regulated under the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA).
Chapter 7, Division 6, Number 368

Legislation was last updated in 2014 and now states that “the person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that health monitoring is provided to a worker carrying out work for the business or undertaking if the worker is carrying out ongoing work at a workplace using, handling, generating or storing” hazardous material.

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Spirometry Lung Function Test HSE Australia FitTick

Spirometry (Lung Function) Testing

FitTick provides on-site and in-house spirometry assessments (lung function tests) using either our purpose-built mobile testing booth, dedicated testing spaces in our local offices, or pop-up testing facilities which can be set up Australia-wide within 24 hours.

Why is a Spirometry Assessment necessary?

Since 2012 Spirometry testing is recommended and regulated under the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA).

Frequent testing will highlight any changes in single or groups of employees with changes in the lung capacity giving companies the ability to to make changes to avoid costly loss of productivity whilst caring for their employees.

Ideally, pulmonary function testing (PFT) should form part of your pre-employment or onboarding process to produce current test results for your employee file.

Testing then should be conducted at least annualy so changes in lung capacity are  recorded. Safework SA recommends “Spirometry Audits” to be part of the ongoing health monitoring process of workers exposed “to certain substances as part of your work”.

Spirometry - Lung Function Testing

HSE Australia offers lung function tests at our office locations in Adelaide and Perth.
Please get in touch for an individual quote for larger numbers of tests and on-site testing.

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Frequently asked Questions

Some of the most frequently asked questions about spirometry assessments.

What is a Spirometry or Lung Function Test?

A spirometry test, also Also called pulmonary function testing (PFT) is a lung function test that shows how well a person is breathing. It is a simple test that measures the volume and speed of air while breathing.

Is Spirometry Testing a legal requirement?

Legislation was last updated in 2014 and now states that “the person conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that health monitoring is provided to a worker carrying out work for the business or undertaking if the worker is carrying out ongoing work at a workplace using, handling, generating or storing” hazardous material. More information: Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA). Chapter 7, Division 6, Number 368

Can you fail a Lung Function Test?

A Spirometry test only measures the individual performance to monitor variations over time. The results are not examined by a doctor.

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