
Workplace Risk Assessment

Ensure workers safety in any work environment. A holistic workplace risk assessment identifies potentials risk and existing hazards, especially in risky and uncommon, or constantly changing settings.

HSE Australia helps you to conduct individual WHS Risk Assessments of workplaces and work environments.
We develop programs and risk mitigation strategies that ensure that workers, visitors and anyone present at the workplace is informed and aware of potential hazards.

Contact us to arrange a WHS Workplace Risk Assessment of your workenvironment.

Our services include:

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What is a Workplace Risk Assessment?

Prioritising the safety and wellbeing of workers is not only a legal and ethical responsibility, but also essential for the productivity and success of any organisation. This is especially true when workers work in uncommon, risky or odd workplaces.

Workplace Risk Assessment

WHS Workplace Risk Analysis

In collaboration with your team, we assess your workplace, current policies and programs, as well as workflows and tasks. Together we identify any areas that may represent a risk or potential hazard, and that might need to be address or improved. Our team of WHS experts are available 24/7 and provides support to various industries and government organisations throughout Australia.

Our WHS Workplace Risk Assessment is available for any type of work setting, however, we are specialised in audits of uncommon, odd or unusual workplaces such as:

  • High Risk Areas (heights, under ground, confined spaces)
  • Flexible or moving workplaces (mobile plant)
  • Outdoor (road side, remote)
  • Workplaces with moving objects or subjects (farms, events, health care)
  • Potentially toxic work environments (sewage plants, pharmaceutical plant)

WHS standards and legislation often change. Our expertise covers the following areas:

  • WHS Act and Regulations
  • Self-Insurer Standards
  • AS/NZS 4801 / 4804
  • AS/NZS 14007
  • Environment and Protection Act & Legislation

Compliance with WHS Act and Regulations

HSE Australia specialises in workplace risk assessments for clients in various industries and the government. We understand the unique challenges faced by safety managers in Australia.
With our comprehensive expertise and industry-specific knowledge, we offer a streamlined assessment process that help ensure the safety and well-being of your workforce.

Our workplace risk assessment process begins with a thorough evaluation of your work environment. We consider the specific hazards and risks associated with your operations, such as heavy machinery, chemical exposure, confined spaces, working at height, or manual handling tasks. Our experienced team of safety professionals conduct on-site inspections, carefully examining each aspect of your workplace to identify potential hazards and vulnerabilities.

In addition, we also conduct a compliance gap analysis by reviewing your existing documentation, such as policies and procedures. This step allows us to identify any gaps or areas that may need improvement in your current safety management system.

Once the hazards are identified, our team evaluates the likelihood of occurrence and the severity of each hazard, enabling us to prioritize and develop a targeted risk mitigation strategy. We work closely with inhouse safety managers, leveraging their expertise and insights, to create a tailored WHS hazard management approach that align with your business objectives and regulatory requirements.

Contact us today to learn more about our tailored solutions and how we can assist you in managing workplace risks effectively.

Workplace Risk Assessment

HSE Australia offers a wide range of Work Health & Safety audit services such as Risk Assessment and Gap Analysis. Contact us for an individual quote.

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Frequently asked Questions

Health Safety Environment Australia 

What is Work Health and Safety (WHS) or Occupation Health and Safety (OH&S)?

They are the same. The two terms are interchangeable and reflect the words used in some safety regulations in relation to safety and safety compliance in workplaces.

What is workplace safety?

When safety can be defined as ‘freedom from circumstances that cause, or are likely to cause, illness, injury or damage’ then workplace safety are the actions taken reduce occupational risk and to keep the workforce and workplace free of incidents that can cause harm to workers, volunteers, contractors or sub-contractors, customers, visitors, or suppliers.

Are safety hazards required to be identified under the WHS regulations?

Yes. A person conduction a business or undertaking (PCBU) must identify reasonably foreseeable hazards in the physical workplace environment; the equipment and materials used that could give rise to risks to health and safety (Regulation 34).

What is a PCBU?

A PCBU is a “Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking” in a commercial or non-commercial area (NFP), on it’s own (sole trader), in partnership or for a Government organisation. PCBU's are required to ensure a safe working environment operates within the workplace(s) for which they have responsibility.

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Over the past 15 years we developed the ability to quickly understand and respond to our clients’ needs. We are “solving problems others find difficult…”.
We offer our clients an enviable team of specialists working with associates and other external experts, driving and delivering fit for purpose, tailored single sourced solutions for you.

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