
HSE Australia conducts plant risk assessment training on-site to fit within existing WHS management systems and processes you already have in place.

Plant risk assessment training is critical to ensure employees are equipped to identify and manage health and safety risks when using plant machinery and equipment. Employees should be aware of their safety responsibilities and be able to undertake a plant risk review as part of their job.

Contact us to arrange Plant Risk Assessment Training for your business.

Our services include:

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We are proud to announce that all Plant Risk Assessment Training will now be provided under our new brand
HSE Academy.

Training Health Safety Environment Australia Occupational Health and Safety

Plant Risk Assessment Training

Critical to the success of this training is worker participation. The key focus of our training is to ensure the session fits into your existing business model and meets the practical requirements of your workers.

This workshop centres around the four key steps of hazard management, including:

  • identification of hazards associated with the use of the plant and equipment
  • assessing any WHS risks associated with the plant
  • controlling and evaluating the risk
  • practical application of these skills within the business

On-site, online and in-house Risk Assessment training.

HSE Australia offers a wide range of HSE training courses that can be tailored to your industry. Get in touch for an individual quote.

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Frequently asked Questions

Health Safety Environment Australia

What is a "Plant" in a commercial setting?

To put it simple a plant can be anything humanly-made that has a certain purpose or fulfilles a certain task at a workplace. A comon term is "power plant", a device generating power or electricity. However, every industry has different plants or plant settings. That is why an individual Plant Risk Assessment is necessary. Plants can include machinery, appliances, scaffolding, container, silos, cranes, vehicles, conveyors, lifts, computers, power tools etc.

What is the difference between Risk & Hazard

A health risk can be present without someone potentially getting hurt. Only if a person get's exposed to the risk it becomes a potential hazard. Example: A hammer laying on the edge of a scaffolding platform is a risk, however, if someone walks underneath the scaffolding the hammer becomes a hazard.

What are the fees for a course or training?

All our training programs are tailored to our clients needs, the industry they work in and the size of the class. Currently we do not offer training courses to the general public. Please get in touch for an individual quote.

Do you offer group training?

Yes, training is conducted in a webinar setting for up to 10 people. However, we can facilitate for up to 10 people in-house training at one of our office locations. On-site we are experienced to train up to 50 people simultaneously.

One Source Many Solutions

Over the past 15 years we developed the ability to quickly understand and respond to our clients’ needs. We are “solving problems others find difficult…”.
We offer our clients an enviable team of specialists working with associates and other external experts, driving and delivering fit for purpose, tailored single sourced solutions for you.

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