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Online Training

HSE Australia is a recognised training provider working with clients in various industries to provide bespoke face-to-face and online training programs.

For that purpose we developed the online learning platform ClickOnTraining which hosts the Covid Marshal course we developed for  the SA Government. We also work with a learning platform called moodle to develop and deliver custom training courses and host webinar style training sessions.

Our services include:

Please note

We do not offer vocational training courses for the general public.

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We are proud to announce

that all training will now be provided under our new brand HSE Academy.

Please visit us on or get in touch on #08 8152 0555

to discuss your training requirements and goals.

Training Online HSE Australia Health Safety Environment

Online & Virtual Training

ClickOnTraining delivers online HSE training courses to larger and smaller groups or individuals working remotely part-time, casual or in shifts where training during normal office hours can not be conducted. That assures that all training requirements can be completed in an optimal timely manner and when it best suits the worker or employer. Our qualified and experienced specialists develop tailored training programs to suit your organisation's legal obligations and individual needs.

Currently available, not customised, ClickOnTraining programs include the following courses:

  • Covid19 awareness (Tourism SA)
  • COVID Marshal Training (SA Health)
  • Chemical awareness
  • Asbestos awareness 
  • Assessing the risk, substance, machine and noise
  • Hazard and incident reporting
  • Accident investigation
  • General site induction
  • Contractor safety audits.

In addition to the above courses we offer industry specific training packages such as:

  • Job-ready for the Construction Industry (10 day course)
  • Fit Testing Training Provider (in progress)
  • Identification of Asbestos (in progress)

Online Training for Professionals

HSE Australia offers a wide range of training for organisations in various industries such as mining, facility management or manufacturing . Get in touch for an individual quote.

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One Source Many Solutions

Over the past 15 years we developed the ability to quickly understand and respond to our clients’ needs. We are “solving problems others find difficult…”.
We offer our clients an enviable team of specialists working with associates and other external experts, driving and delivering fit for purpose, tailored single sourced solutions for you.

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