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Noise Survey, Mapping & Noise Monitoring
HSE Australia undertakes workplace noise surveys to map and understand areas where noise levels exceed the regulatory guideline of 85 dB(A) and produces contour maps to identify which workers are at risk of potential hearing loss.
Noise in the workplace has the potential to cause damage to workers’ hearing if the average or peak noise levels are too high. This can often lead to noise-induced hearing loss, a permanent condition.
Contact us to arrange your noise workplace test.
Our services include:
Noise assessment using a Personal Sound Exposure Meter or PSEM.
After a comprehensive noise audit you will be provided with a detailed noise level map that showcases the level measured and the exposure for workers.
HSE Australia’s FitTick program help businesses to become and stay compliant with current legislation around Hearing Protection Device (HPD) fit testing.
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Read the Article:
Noise at Work and Its Negative Health Impacts
Our Occupational Hygiene team around Dr. Michael Tkaczuk has put together a comprehensive article about the impacts of noise on the physical and mental health of workers. Please have a look and if you are concerned about noise at your workplace please get in touch.

Occupational Noise Monitoring / Survey
When assessing workplace noise levels, we measure and determine the noise sources and processes causing high noise levels. We can then identify the risks to your employees.
Frequency analysis of the noise sources can indicate which types of engineering controls may effectively reduce noise generated by equipment.
Personal Sound Exposure Measurements (PSEM) or noise dosimetry is also carried out to determine the personal exposure of workers to understand if further controls are required to reduce noise levels. The PSEM or noise dosimetry results can then determine what type of hearing personal protective equipment (earplugs or earmuffs) are appropriate for the specific tasks or work areas.
The noise survey data also provides employers with the groups of workers at risk of noise-induced hearing loss who must have audiometric testing carried out as a baseline and every two years after that time.
Our Occupational Hygienists and technicians also provide hearing protection fit testing programs to check if earplugs (HPE) are correctly fitted.
Noise Assessments, Monitoring & PSEM surveys
HSE Australia offers a wide range of Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management Services in the area of Noise Monitoring & Plant Risk Assessment. Get in touch for an individual quote.
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Frequently asked Questions
Health Safety Environment Australia
Why test the noise levels in your workplace?
In the long term if workers are exposed to noise levels at or above 85 dB(A) there is the risk of developing noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) which is permanent.
How is Noise Monitoring done?
There are a number of ways to carry out a noise exposure assessment. Personal sound exposure measurements are where workers would wear noise dosimeters while undertaking their normal work tasks. Or else noise levels can be measured in the area or at the noise source using a Type 1 sound level meter (SLM). These measurement can then be used to create a noise contour map of the noise levels measured in the workplace as a visual display for workers.
How is noise exposure controlled?
The hierarchy of controls should be used to come up with an effective solution to control excessive noise that is generated. The use of hearing protection should be the last resort or used in combination with other controls.
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