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Indoor Air Quality & Air Monitoring

HSE Australia can conduct workplace indoor air quality testing and air monitoring and provide recommendations to ensure improved indoor air quality.

Recent history has shown an increased awareness of indoor air quality and the need to conduct regular investigation, monitoring and reporting. Poor indoor air quality or “sick building syndrome” are terms often used by building occupants where the health effects seem to reduce once they leave work.  Headaches, skin irritation, nausea and sore eyes are all possible symptoms.

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Contact us to arrange an indoor air quality assessment of your workplace.

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Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment HSE Australia

Air Quality Monitoring

Understanding the indoor air quality is imperative to the ongoing commitment to compliance and the health and wellbeing of the employees and visitors to your workplace.

Many sources of indoor pollutants have been implicated, such as

  • ozone
  • formaldehyde
  • airborne dust
  • and carbon dioxide

Other environmental factors include the temperature, ventilation and relative humidity of the working environment.

Significant penalties exist for organisations that fail to comply with industry regulations to provide a safe work environment for their employees.

Air quality issues must be resolved quickly to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff. While indoor air quality in the office environment may seem a minor issue, it can potentially pose health risks to your employees in either the short term or over a significant period.

Testing, Monitoring & Analysis of Air, Indoors & Outdoors

HSE Australia offers a wide range of Occupational Hygiene and Risk Management Services in the area of indoor air monitoring and sample testing. Get in touch for an individual quote.

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Frequently asked Questions

Health Safety Environment Australia – One source, many solutions.

What determines good indoor air quality?​

OR When is air considered to be clean or dirty? The lack of air contaminants such as volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, dust, fungal spores, no carbon monoxide, low concentration of carbon dioxide ( < 1000 ppm) and the temperature & relative humidity is comfortable for occupants.

When is air monitoring or assessment required?

OR When should we consider air monitoring to be conducted? When workers health is impacted through headaches, nausea, feeling of unwell when in the workplace.

What are the limits?

OR What level contaminations in air is considered a health risk? There is a IAQ limit currently for formaldehyde of 0.1 ppm and for carbon monoxide of 9 ppm. There are no specific IAQ limits for dust, fungal spores, but there are guidelines for dust, VOCs temperature relative humidity and carbon dioxide.

What contaminants do you find in the air?

OR What is considered an air contamination and where does it come from? There is a great variety of particle in the air that can be considered a contamination, not all of them are also considered a health risk. Contaminates in the air can be Dust, volatile organic compounds e.g. from air fresheners, perfume, cleaning agents, carbon dioxide from the occupants breathing, formaldehyde from carpets and furniture, fungal spores which are present both indoors and outdoors.

How is air monitoring conducted?

Air monitoring is a simple 3 step process. First our specialist set-up of air pumps that suck the surrounding air through a small filter. The second step is the analysis of the filter in a NATA accredited laboratory. Finally our Occupational / Industrial Hygienist will provide a detailed report of the findings and recommend remedies.`

One Source Many Solutions

Over the past 15 years we developed the ability to quickly understand and respond to our clients’ needs. We are “solving problems others find difficult…”.
We offer our clients an enviable team of specialists working with associates and other external experts, driving and delivering fit for purpose, tailored single sourced solutions for you.

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