Health Safety Environment Australia HSE logo


Keeping workers safe and healthy.

Government & Defense

Australian governmental departments set examples and encourage other employers by implementing effective policies to offer the highest level of workplace protection for their employees.

Hazardous Material Substances Audit HSE Australia

Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment

A Hazardous Chemical Risk Assessment involves the assessment of exposure to hazardous chemicals in the workplace.

Asbestos Register Audit Management HSE Australia

Project Management Asbestos Removal

We will work with you on the initial scoping of the asbestos removal project, right through to completion and the final clearance certificate.

Asbestos Register Audit Management HSE Australia

Asbestos Register Audit / Survey

Our team of experienced and certified specialists will visit your site and identify potential sources of asbestos, take samples and provide best-practice solutions.

Hazardous Material Substances Audit HSE Australia

Hazardous Material Audit

Hazardous substance audits help you identify the hazardous substances present in your workplace and help to determine the processes and controls needed.

Diesel Particular Matter DTM

Diesel Particular Matter DPM

HSE Australia’s Occupational Hygienists and technicians can measure exposure to DPM and provide guidance on methods to control exposure.

HSE Australia NATA Accredited Laboratory Australia Adelaide

Hands-on consultants you can trust!

Government Defense Health Safety Environment Australia HSE

Local Governments & Defence Force Units

Government departments are held to example to demonstrate rigorous health and safety and environmental policies. HSE Australia works with Commonwealth, state and territory, and local government departments to meet workplace health and safety and environmental risk management obligations.

Our partnership with government departments ranges across all our services. We conduct operational risk management analysis and recommend strategies to minimise environmental impacts, protect worker safety and help manage operational costs. 

We also work with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to ensure EPA Licence requirements are met through monitoring programs and regular audits of EPA Licence holders. Our on-site NATA accredited lab enables us to respond quickly and support federal, state and territory police departments in investigating properties used as clandestine drug laboratories.

Auditing, Sampling & Management of potential risks & existing hazards.

HSE Australia offers a wide range of services to the government such as Asbestos Register Audits, Project Management of Asbestos Removal, Noise Monitoring or Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) monitoring. Get in touch for a free quote.

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About us

Health Safety Environment Australia

HSE Australia is a proud team of versatile specialists, scientists, consultants, auditors and assessors.
Our people are experienced and accredited in a wide range of fields, from Asbestos Assessors, Forensic Chemistry, Environmental Science, and of course Workplace Health & Safety. This extensive combination of knowledge and skills enables us to “Solve problems others find difficult”.
We see ourselves as “hands-on scientists” who have earned the trust of our clients through our knowledge and experience.
Our teams work when and where you need them, on-site or inhouse. We are available, 24/7, Australia-wide.
Please get in touch and we can work things through.

Occupational Health & Safety - HSE Australia


HSE Australia offers services in four main areas

Our team of experts help you to anticipate, recognise, evaluate, control and confirm hazards at work that may result in injury or illness, or that affect the wellbeing of workers.

OHS or WHS refers to the risk management and risk mitigation process of an organisation to prevent anyone who works or visits their workplace from health and/or safety hazards.

Asbestos management involves the identification, sampling, analysis and removal management of potentially asbestos- containing products and substances.

FitTick offers a variety of workforce screening services such as RPE & HPE fit testing, as well as audiometric & spirometry tests.

One Source Many Solutions

Over the past 15 years we developed the ability to quickly understand and respond to our clients’ needs. We are “solving problems others find difficult…”.
We offer our clients an enviable team of specialists working with associates and other external experts, driving and delivering fit for purpose, tailored single sourced solutions for you.

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