
Compliance & Gap Analysis

Identify gaps in your workplace safety programs working with us to conduct a qualified, independent, and confidential WHS Compliance & Safety Gap Analysis audit.

Management and company directors have a duty of care under workplace health and safety legislation to provide a safe working environment for employees and contractors.

HSE Australia can conduct a WHS Gap Analysis of your organisation’s risk management system to ensure your programs and procedures comply with workplace health and safety legislation and conform to industry best practice.

Contact us to arrange a WHS Compliance and Safety Gap Analysis of your organisation.

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Health Safety Environment OHS WHS Assessment HSE Australia

Occupational Health & Safety Gap Analysis

We partner with you to review your existing programs and help you identify any gaps before public or more formal audits. Our confidential approach helps enhance corporate profiles and company reputations for workplace health and safety compliance (OHS compliance). HSE Australia’s WHS Practitioners support industry and government across Australia. We understand the need for compliance and the increasing rate of change in workplace health and safety legislation. Our ability to act independently, confidentially, and quickly continue to be our strength, and success, in this area.

Our WHS compliance reviews cover systems and programs such as:

  • organisational compliance
  • organisational structure
  • WHS planning
  • environmental management planning
  • management awareness and responsibilities
  • emergency response protocols

WHS standards and legislation often change. Our expertise covers the following areas:

  • WHS Act and Regulations
  • Self-Insurer Standards
  • AS/NZS 4801 / 4804
  • AS/NZS 14007
  • Environment and Protection Act & Legislation

Compliance with WHS Act and Regulations

The goal of a Workplace Occupational Health and Safety Compliance and Gap Analysis is to evaluate an organisation’s current WHS policies, procedures, and practices to ensure compliance with the WHS Act and Regulations.

During such a Work Health & Safety audit we will identify any areas where the organisation is not in compliance with WHS requirements, as well as any gaps in the organisation’s WHS management systems relevant to business operations.

This process can provide valuable insights into an organisation’s WHS performance and can help identify areas where improvements are needed. Even small improvements to a company’s WHS management can help to minimize the risk of workplace accidents and worker injuries, reduce legal liability, and improve overall workplace safety.

Additionally, the process can assist companies to stay updated with the relevant WHS Act and Regulations and make necessary changes to comply with them.

Organisational Compliance

Assure that policies and procedures are in place to prevent accidents and injuries, and that employees are trained and understand the WHS policies and procedures.
HSE Australia can assist you and your company to ensure compliance with national, state, and local laws, regulations, and industry standards related to workplace health and safety.

Organisational Structure

Develop and implement a clear structure to ensure that safety responsibilities are clearly defined and that all stakeholders are aware of their role in maintaining a safe work environment. Making sure WHS is front of mind and that the workplace is organised appropriately, roles and responsibilities are understood, and different departments and employees are aware of their WHS duties and responsibilities.

WHS planning

Our specialists will assist with assessing potential risks and hazards in your workplace, they’ll help to put measures in place to control or eliminate those risks. We’ll help develop a strategy around conducting regular safety inspections, implementing safety protocols, and training employees on how to identify and respond to hazards.

Environmental Management Planning

Reduce your environmental footprint. Develop and implement measures and plans around reducing waste and emissions and implementing recycling and conservation programs. Our team of environmental experts will guide you to identify and assess the potential impact of your company’s activities on the environment, to put measures in place to minimize your environmental impact.

Management Awareness and Responsibilities

Make sure management understands and ensure that your company is complying with all relevant national and local laws and regulations related to workplace health and safety. Our OHS Specialist will help the leadership team to review, update or develop coherent WHS policies and procedures, and provide training on those policies and procedures.

Emergency Response Protocols

Make sure your company has directions and instructions in place around how to respond to emergency situations, such as fires, natural disasters, or other emergencies. HSE Australia’s team of Occupational Health and Safety Consultants will assist you to review or set-up evacuation plans, emergency response teams, and procedures for communicating with employees and emergency services responders, responding to an emergency.

Auditing, Sampling & Management of potential risks & existing hazards.

HSE Australia offers a wide range of Occupational Health & Safety management services such as WHS Compliance & Gap Analysis. Get in touch for an individual quote.

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Frequently asked Questions

Health Safety Environment Australia 

What is Work Health and Safety (WHS) or Occupation Health and Safety (OH&S)?

They are the same. The two terms are interchangeable and reflect the words used in some safety regulations in relation to safety and safety compliance in workplaces.

What is workplace safety?

When safety can be defined as ‘freedom from circumstances that cause, or are likely to cause, illness, injury or damage’ then workplace safety are the actions taken reduce occupational risk and to keep the workforce and workplace free of incidents that can cause harm to workers, volunteers, contractors or sub-contractors, customers, visitors, or suppliers.

Are safety hazards required to be identified under the WHS regulations?

Yes. A person conduction a business or undertaking (PCBU) must identify reasonably foreseeable hazards in the physical workplace environment; the equipment and materials used that could give rise to risks to health and safety (Regulation 34).

What Is a Code of Practice (OHS/WHS)?

A 'Code of Practice' is a practical guide to achieving the standards of safety required in specific workplace situations or environments or subjects. They are presented under the WHS Act and Regulations (the WHS Regulations).

What is a PCBU?

A PCBU is a “Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking” in a commercial or non-commercial area (NFP), on it’s own (sole trader), in partnership or for a Government organisation. PCBU's are required to ensure a safe working environment operates within the workplace(s) for which they have responsibility.

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Over the past 15 years we developed the ability to quickly understand and respond to our clients’ needs. We are “solving problems others find difficult…”.
We offer our clients an enviable team of specialists working with associates and other external experts, driving and delivering fit for purpose, tailored single sourced solutions for you.

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